Housing Loan

Owning or refurbishing a property is simple and easy. We offer the best rates and flexible terms. The right solutions to finance your most important investment: your home. This flexible credit facility will help you meet the payments related to the construction, renovation or purchase of a house or an apartment or for the acquisition of bare land.

The Housing Loan can be provided in the following cases:

  • Construction of a residence 
  • House renovation/extension 
  • Purchase of a residential property (house or apartment)
  • Purchase of bare land towards future residential construction

Repayment terms

  • The monthly repayment should represent a maximum of 40% of the borrower’s monthly income. 
  • Where the salaries of spouses are credited to accounts held in the Bank, the joint borrowing capacity of the household shall be considered, and the couple shall become co-borrowers.
  • All payments of existing commitments/borrowings (MCB Seychelles and other institutions) shall be included in the calculation of the customer’s repayment capacity. 
  • In the event of fluctuation in interest rates, the monthly repayment shall be adjusted towards keeping the repayment term unchanged. 
  • Duration: Up to 30 years, depending on the age of borrowers