Our network consists of 18 ATMs across Mahé, Praslin and La Digue for your convenience.
All MCB ATMs accept the following cards:
Services are accessible in English, French and Mandarin.
All ATMs offer features like balance enquiries, mini-statements, change PIN code and inter-account transfers. Use the Refill option to recharge your pre-paid Cable & Wireless or Airtel mobile phone credit.
ATM Locations
- Victoria (MCB main branch)
- Victoria (Next to the clock tower)
- Victoria (At Inter-island quay)
- Victoria (At Hypermarket)
- Beau-Vallon (Next to ISPC)
- Eden Island (MCB Eden Island branch)
- Providence (MCB Providence counter)
- Pointe Larue (Seychelles International Airport)
- Anse Royale (MCB Anse Royale branch)
- Port-Launay (Constance Ephelia Resort)
- Grand Anse (MCB Grand Anse branch)
- Cote d’Or (MCB Cote d’Or branch)
- Amitié (Amitié Airport)
La Digue
- La Passe (MCB La Digue branch)