20 Jan 2025
MCB Seychelles would like to inform its esteemed customers and members of the public that all branches shall remain exceptionally closed on Saturday 18th January 2025 as we will be conducting maintenance on our system.
As such, all MCB branches on Mahé, Praslin and La Digue will remain open until 3p.m. on Friday 17th January 2025.
We shall resume normal operating hours on Monday 20th January 2025.
We advise our customers to make use of our Cards, POS and ATM for withdrawals only.
As for ATM Cash deposits, all deposits shall be processed next working day and our SMS Refill, Juice app and Internet Banking shall not be accessible as from Friday 17th January, evening until 10a.m. on Sunday 19th January 2025.
We thank you for your patience while we upgrade our system to better serve you. Our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.
21 Nov 2024
The Mauritius Commercial Bank (Seychelles) Ltd (“MCB Seychelles”) would like to inform all its valued customers that the Bank has a regulatory requirement to maintain updated personal information records for all individual and business customers.
In line with this obligation, the Bank shall contact its customers to obtain specific documents required to ensure customer personal and business records are updated whenever required.
All customers contacted are advised to ensure the timely follow up on submission requested and to visit the nearest MCB Seychelles Bank branch for further assistance if required. In the event of customer not collaborating, the Bank may elect to not proceed on transactional activities or may also block customer accounts and/or terminate the relationship with customers who do not provide the required supporting documents for the Bank to complete the due diligence process.
NOTE: Customers are reminded that the Bank will never ask for any confidential, security information during this exercise, such as your account number or IBAN, PIN or Password used for your cards and accounts.
MCB Seychelles thanks all customers for their understanding and continued cooperation
30 Oct 2024
With the ongoing digitalisation program and the aim of improving payments between local commercial banks and the Seychelles Credit Union (SCU), the Seychelles Bankers Association wishes to inform the public that with effect from January 1st 2025, all commercial banks and SCU will discontinue issuing Personal (individual) Cheque Books to all their customers. Effective from May 1st 2025, banks will no longer accept Personal (individual) Cheques drawn on local commercial banks and SCU, for clearing.
Furthermore, from January 1st 2026, all commercial banks and SCU will discontinue issuing Business (non-individual) Cheque Books to all their customers. Effective from May 1st 2026, banks will no longer accept Business (non-individual) Cheques drawn on local commercial banks and SCU, for clearing.
Customers accepting cheques should ensure that any personal cheques drawn after May 1st 2025, and any business cheques drawn after May 1st 2026, are not accepted as a form of payment.
All customers issuing and accepting such cheques should make use of other payment methods available within the commercial banks and SCU such as, debit/credit cards, mobile and internet banking platforms to undertake their transactions.
The Seychelles Bankers Association counts on your support during this transition.